Want to know about how long the E. Coli danger will last? Want to know who found out about the contamination first on campus? Do you just want to know what this whole "bad water thing" is all about?
Find out here: www.hawksherald.com
Camping- Please do not set up you tents in the Baside U's. The university is not able to provide any security measures for those individuals sleeping outdoors. Also, maintenance and facilities will be hindered from properly maintaining our outdoor space with tents set up outdoors. *All tents set up will be removed at the owners expense*"
A Roger Williams University caller requested police remove a 22-caliber bullet found by their public safety officers in the commons area. It did not appear to have been recently left.Any ideas as to where the bullet came from? Let us know!
An Elmwood Drive resident informed police a neighbor stole a football from their lawn.To read the full logs, click here!
"A Buttonwood caller complained to police that Styrofoam plates a woman was using to feed stray cats at the Kaiser building were blowing around the neighborhood."Had the plates been bio-degradable would she have called the cops?
• Bryan Machado, 28, of Warren, was arrested at the Bristol Sports Club on Wood Street and charged with making crank or obscene phone calls.You can read the full log here
"We are currently gathering a list of students interested in being on call to shovel snow for cash money if we have a major storm."
Police investigated a report of men opening manhole covers on the corner of State and First streets. They were discovered to be plumbers clearing a drain from a home to town sewer.
"A Brian Drive man told police his wife poured a beer on his head."It is times like these that I am most proud to be human. Check out the rest of the report here